You Get A Full Refund..... If It Doesn't Work As Claimed!

After 5 Years of Struggling To Father A Child, I Finally Found The ANCIENT Sperm Booster That Actually Cure My Low Sperm Count, No/Zero Sperm, Low Sperm Motility in 30-60 Days And Its Without A Single Side-Effect…

For men who want to go from ZERO to Millions in sperm count..


Which of these Male Infertility Problems Are You Trying to Solve?

  • Low Sperm Count (Oligospermia)


  • No/Zero Sperm (Azoospermia)


  • Low Sperm Motility


  • Abnormal Sperm (Morphology issues)


  • A varicocele; The  swelling of the veins that drain the testicle and cause male infertility.


  • Chronic Infections which interfere with sperm production or sperm health or those that cause scarring that blocks the passage of sperm.


  • Ejaculation issues


  • Low testosterone (male hypogonadism) and other hormonal problems have also been proven to cause male infertility


  • Defects of Tubules that Transport Sperm


  • Problem with maintaining hard rod


And other male infertility issues you might be experiencing at the moment


If this is YOU and it is your true heart’s desire to cure the low sperm count and become fertile again, then I want you to know that hope exists. Yes, true hope exist…. give me 4 minutes, and I’ll show you everything you need to end all traces of Male infertility(low sperm count, zero sperm or low motility) Issues ….


You may even be among first 10 customers that will benefit from the BONUSES that will help you become fertile man again — for FREE (Is that not amazing)!


Below Is What One of the Customer that used this new Men Infertility Treatment have to Say:

Go Through These reviews to see for yourself... How Cemen Plus Has Made Many Fathers!

This natural men’s fertility treatment called (CEMEN PLUS) is proven to deal with any fertility issues you may be experiencing…


Testimonies on this website are all we’ve been getting since we launched this revolutionary male fertility treatment.


And i know your testimony is the next if you get your…


You’ve nothing to lose because we offer a money-back guarantee if you don’t get any results.

Here’s How Mr Roland Sperm Count Was Revived From 0 To 19.6 Million Cell Using Cemen+

Here Is the SFA Test Result:

Mrs. Agboola Margaret Got Cemen Plus For Her Husband And Got Pregnant Few Weeks Later

Dear Friend,

While infertility is often regarded as a female problem, the male partner’s role is equally as important, as 40 to 50 percent of all infertility cases are due to male factor infertility(According to SGF’s Center for Male Fertility).


That’s why we will be introducing a natural male fertility treatment that has been changing the story of many men with low sperm count, zero sperm and other male infertility by making them a father.


This newly discovered male infertility treatment has been proven to help many Ghanaian and Nigerians in the past, and its certified safe for many men that want to have a child they can call their own blood.


But first, I will like to walk you through our infertility journey and how we were able to finally find a lasting solution… 

Below Is How My Hubby Overcame 7 Years Male Factor Infertility

Being a mother was something I was looking forward to do since I was old enough to understand what the word meant.


My husband and I started trying to conceive after we were married.


But months began to roll by and I continued to stare at a single line on pregnancy tests – over and over.

Excitement of being a mother was replaced frustration, which grew stronger and harder to manage each month. 

Two years later my husband and I approached our doctor for fertility tests.


A few weeks after, we were on vacation in Accra when a call came in that changed everything “We’ll need to run some more tests,” the doctor told my husband, “but those we’ve done so far show only a few thousand sperm in your sample.” For clarification, having less than 15 million sperm is considered a ‘low sperm count’ and means you’re likely to have trouble as a man impregnating your woman. But the doctor certify me ok…


My husband’s head dropped into his hands and he cried.

“But we only need to overcome this together babe” I said, as I hugged him.


We waited a month for a follow up appointment with our doctor, hoping our condition will not be as bad as most couples have it. But when the doctor interpreted the test result, he said my husbands had very few sperm, and that none of them were healthy, and none of them moving.


“Does that mean we won’t be able to have our own baby” I asked expectantly. Yes,” the doctor replied smiling.

Since I will not take a no for an answer I asked again “Have you seen couples in our situation have a baby?” I asked him. Hoping I will get a positive news. “You have to keep hoping Mrs. Blessing.”  That sounded more like a no. 


Again we were told our chances of conceiving naturally were highly unlikely and we should consider IVF. This for us was not an option; it wasn’t something we wanted to do. 


However the question we wanted answered was ‘why?’ Why was the sperm count low? And why had it decreased even more over the years?  For us, we can’t just accept such report as our reality.  My husband Paul was fit and healthy, eats well, barely drinks alcohol, let alone smoking – surely there must be a reason!


On searching online my husband came across the Cemen+ Men Fertility website and decided to contact Dr. Abigail for some advice.


The only problem was that…we’re tired of buying another Sperm Booster and drugs.


Turned out this wasn’t a problem at all and Dr. Abigail was so understanding and claimed many couples had same thought when they contact her for male infertility’s solutions.


After the consultation with Dr. Abigail , She confirmed our thoughts – that my husband may have a varicocele and to check.


So my husband went for an appointment and he did indeed have a varicocele.


We’re happy because. It was a relief to know the cause of our childlessness, but on the other hand we were angry that no-one had suggested this before or even examined him!

Sadly I asked Dr. Abigail, “are there really permanent cure for Low sperm count and this varicocele?


She answered me yes.


I said to myself so there is cure all these years but our family doctors refused to open up to us…. considering all we’ve spent?


My husband asked him “Dr. Abigail. is it that the drug is too expensive or we cannot find it here in Ghana or in other African countries?


She answered and said not because they’re expensive but those drugs are not popular, and pharmaceutical industries will want to protect their industry to keep the money coming… which is why they produce what will only give temporarily solution to men fertility.

She further went on to say that the solution is a natural treatment with its ingredients  imported from China, Canada and some African Countries , this makes it scarce in the market. 


She gave us the bottles of the drugs in her office.

These were her words… She said to me and my husband , Mr. & Mrs. Mikel, these are the remaining bottles left from those produced of recent. The prescription is on it….

6 Packs of Cemen Plus Sperm Booster

My hubby was actually Skeptical about it because He used a lot like this before without any change.


He later started using the 3 bottles Dr Abigail gave us and to my our greatest surprise within 5 weeks of usage hubby sperm test results showed a significant increase – 14 million (up from 1 million at its lowest!).


We were really surprised – this is almost within the normal range and Dr. Abigail claimed it should increase even more.


This worked for us and terminate our childlessness! Since we’re so sure about the effectiveness of this men infertility treatment, we recommended it to other men out there who are ashamed to even discuss how their low sperm count is denying them the joy and pride of fathering a child..


And every single one of them has experienced incredible results.


So many couples who are already opting for IVf and adoption due to the infertility of their man are now expectant fathers!


Don’t take my word for it.. Below are other couples’ and men who have benefited from this Cemen Plus Infertility Treatment :

Here’s How Mr Ikenna Sperm Count Shoot To 145 Million Cell Using Cemen+

Here’s Success TESTIMONY From Mr. Stephen After He Used This CEMEN+ Fertility Pack!

Mr Mensah Wife Got Pregnant While He Was Using Cemen Plus Fertility Combo

Here’s How Mrs Ruth Husband Used Cemen+ Which Later Helped Her Conceive!

Here Is How Mr. Kofi End All Traces of Infertility Using The Cemen Plus

Our own story and The male factor infertility success story of  Mr. Stephen, Mr. Victor, Mr Mensah and Ikenna could actually be experienced by any man who is ready to follow simple instruction in less than 40 Days from now, if only you are ready to take ACTION! 

You just have to believe, be patient and follow the simple instruction for usage, and watch yourself celebrate your own Male Fertility Success Stories in weeks!

Introducing CEMEN+ Male Infertility Treatment Pack



  • Permanent treatment for Low Sperm Count (Oligospermia):  Study shows this happens to be the most common of infertility, Dr. Abigail also said the same thing. The potent herbal Cemen+ will help increase the  thousand count of semen to 10 millions in weeks.  
  • Azoospermia (No/Zero Sperm): This happens when a man lack sperm to ejaculate let alone impregnating his woman. This is mostly caused by the blockage that don’t allow sperm or lack of production of sperm.  The good news is that the Cemen+ Men infertility treatment has been proven to take care of this in 80% of our customers effectively.
  • Infection: Another overlooked cause of infertility in most African men is infection.. This interfere with sperm production and some time causes blockage.  That’s why we’re adding a free detox that will work along with the Cemen+ to give you a perfect treatment
  • Low Sperm Motility: This is another male infertility issue the Cemen+ has been proven to help tackle effectively. And this happens when the sperm cant swim fast to fertilize the egg released by your woman for fertilization, which will give any man hard time impregnating their wife or woman. If this is your case, your sperm motility will be increased by the Cemen Plus Fertility’s treatment.
  • Varicocele: This is the particular issues my husband faced in our first 6 years of marriage. This are veins that drains the testicle and sperm. This same Cemen+ introduced to us by Dr. Abigail was what we used in treating my hubby  varicocele.

  • Abnormal Sperm (Morphology issues): This happens when the sperm are not developed in the right way which causes infertility in men. Thee amazing part id that this can be effectively corrected by the Cemen+ men infertility treatment kit.

Are You Sure CEMEN+ Will Work For Me?

Other male fertility products don’t treat the root cause of the issue. But, we have taken our time to source the best of ingredients from every part of the world to formulate Cemen+.


This is a one time treatment that will restore your pride as a man and make you a father in no time.


Check this Men Infertility Treatment Testimonies

Mrs Catherin Husband Sperm Morphology Increased To 75%

Mrs Grace Got Pregnant When Husband Started Using Cemen+ Fertility Combo

Mr Dennis Sperm Viscousity and Thickness Is More!

You may not know that you have male factor infertility. Regular check up will help instead of blaming your woman for the family infertility… when statistics shows men contribute to about 40-50% of infertility cases globally.


This was me and my hubby case until we ran a test and treat the root cause..


Now, Peters my husbands carry our boy happily with smile… and I was so proud of him.. because we went through the whole fertility issue together.

Cemen+ Combo Made Mr. Musa Soon To Be Father!

If it’s low sperm count, zero sperm count, low sperm motility you want to treat..


Or you want to treat the sperm morphology


CEMEN+ Men Fertility Combo treatment will do that for you…

Without any side effects

The ingredients in it are 100% natural.


And it’s absolutely safe!


No chemical cooked up in the lab in it.


I know you will be asking; how much is the price of the CEMEN+ Men Fertility Combo by now.

But listen to this first…

We'll Refund Your Money

Here’s what I mean…


If you take the CEMEN+ MEN FERTILITY COMBO  for 6-9 weeks and your fertility issue still remain the same.


All you need do is call Madam Blessing. Through the number on the website to get a FULL REFUND.


Explain the situation to her and request for a refund.


Yes… It’s true. You will be refunded, while you keep the product.

That’s how much I believe CEMEN+ MEN FERTILITY COMBO will terminate all your fertilities troubles, because it helped me and my husband.


And how will each pack of the CEMEN+ Fertility Combo cost?


If you place your order today… We will be adding a FREE eBook that contains the several African meal our elders use to flush all form of male infertility. And how to get such meal, and the steps to prepare them at home to end all low sperm count and Zero sperm count issues.

We bought it for N5000/100GH, but you will be getting it for FREE today.

How To Order The CEMEN+ Men Fertility Combo

FREE Gifts Attached Can Only Be Claimed In The Next 24 Hrs. ONLY!

The complete and recommended  dose is the the 6 Bottles as Dr Abigail Recommend to my husband infertility.

I discovered this helps to repair all the dead sperm cell and boost the sperm to 10 million in the first 3 week.

Here are the supply options. We have classified them based on the male fertility issues individual are facing and the price (for people on budget).

NOTE: SFA (Seminal Fluid Analysis) test should be carried out before you start the CEMEN+ Men Fertility  treatment and you will have to repeat same test after to confirm the effectiveness of the cemen+.

Second Treatment Pack

  • Boost the sperm production
  • Cemen+ Treat all form of sperm morphology
  • CemenPlus allow men achieve high sperm motility rate
  • Cemen+ re-boost men sexual performance

+ FREE Men Fertility Ebook

Normal Price= N40,000/450GH

Price = N30,500/450GH

Third Treatment Pack

  • Boost the sperm production
  • Cemen+ Treat all form of sperm morphology
  • CemenPlus allow men achieve high sperm motility rate
  • Cemen+ re-boost men sexual performance

+ FREE Men Fertility Ebook

Normal Price= N50,000/800GH

Price = N40,500/650GH

Fourth Treatment Pack

  • Cemen+ Kickstart rapid  sperm production
  • Cemen+ Treat all form of blockages within the male  reproductive system


  • Best Treatment Pack for all Male Infertility


  • Cemen+ helps with high motility rate and clear all forms of infections.

+ FREE Men Fertility Ebook

Normal Price= N70,000/1200GH

Price = N60,000/800GHC

Still doubting if this could be real?


Well, my husband and I was just like you when it was recommended to us by Dr. Abigail few months ago.


To take off all risk from you.. If you don’t get result.. We will refund your money, while you keep the product.

Another testimony before Placing Your Order

Scan Result Comes Out As Twins

“Here is Mr. Olabode, a Businessman, he almost lost his marriage due to his low sperm count. He spoke to me about it and I recommended the same CEMEN PLUS. Now, he is super ok“.

Fill The Form Below To Get Your CEMEN+ Fertility Combo

Please Do Not Place An Order If You Are Not Ready To Receive Your ORDER

We Have Limited Stocks and Will Want It To Go Around.

If You Are Truly Ready To Put An End To All Your Male Infertility Issues…


Remember: The FREE Gifts Attached Can Only Be Claimed In The Next 24 Hours!


Stop Suffering In Silence!

You see.. This same CEMEN+ Men Fertility COMBO was what helped my husband’s Paul Mikel… 

And other customers testimonials posted above. I can’t wait to get your too.

Don’t wait until your wife or woman start contemplating cheating on you or pinning another man pregnancy’s on you (Not because she is a bad woman, but because in Africa the blame of infertility always fall on the woman).

OR  sleep with your driver or gate man… We see all of these news daily and they are true. 



Blessing Mikel.


Customer Rep In charge: Grace

Once its delivered by our agent, I will personally reach out to you for detailed explanation.

Or better still read the label on the bottle.

This is a critical questions, because most of our customers have used many products in the past without any noticeable improvement in their male infertility factor.


But Cemen+ is made from the best of ingredients to tackle the root cause of low sperm count, low motility and other male infertility issues.


So, you can be sure of being a father after this treatment or we refund you your money while you still keep the product.

Individual responds to treatment in different ways, some may have to treat their infection first, while it will work for some in the first few 4 days.

However, for the full effect we will recommend you use it consistently for about 2 months.

You can purchase the Cemen plus with peace of mind, knowing fully well that you are getting a good value for your money.

or get refunded if you’re not satisfied.


All order get delivered in 24-48 hours in all locations in Nigeria… And all regions in Ghana.


Except in some cases we face some unforeseen circumstance’s and in such case.. we will inform you ahead.

Your privacy is importance to us, and we know you won’t want others to know the content.

Your order will be packaged in completely discreet packaging – no one will know what you have ordered.

The Cemen+ is made from natural herbs and have been proven safe without any known side effects.

If you intend combining it with your present medication, we will recommend, you use them at 1 hour interval.


Contact: We are in Community 24, Tema in Ghana and Suit B, Andron complex in Ojo Epe Express way Lagos.

But we also deliver to all states and regions without extra delivery charges.